Is what is on the tin, inside the tin?

A one day light touch look at curriculum content and coverage and compliance. 

Curriculum Surveys are a way of taking stock and surveying what the current landscape of a school's curriculum might look like. Free of any bias and 'Yes, but there is a story with that...', we will simply offer what we see, particularly when it comes to a checking the coverage of the National Curriculum 2014, exposing any gaps in content and website compliance. A survey is about peace of mind.

Curriculum Survey is £600 and ends with a verbal summary and one page report. Can be done online for a reduced rate.

Shining a light in every corner

A two-day deeper evaluation from two Specialist Curriculum Architects including coverage, progression, environment, social media, website, planning and learning looks.

Reviewing the curriculum takes more than just a day, and with two trained Curriculum Architects, we look at the quality of the curriculum experienced. We compare what is covered (curriculum maps and lesson planning) through what is experienced (learning walks and book looks) and what is learnt (pupil voice and outcomes). We encourage Curriculum Leads to join us essentially providing on-the-ground CPD. We aim to provide a comprehensive report with recommendations based on compliance, coverage and hesitations and opportunities to take the curriculum further. 

The guide price for Curriculum Review is £1200, although this can vary up or down depending on the size of the school. Get in touch to discuss your thinking. Depending on location, travel may be charged by accommodation is not.

Understanding the 'now' curriculum, 

to inform the 'next'.

What do people honestly think of the curriculum?

Facilitated conversations with young people, families, governors, teachers and leaders through a blend of face-to-face sessions, online and case studies over a period of time.

Connecting impact with intent is critical, particularly for schools that are well on their well in the curriculum journey. Confirmation bias is one of the biggest barriers to honest curriculum reviews. Trained in facilitation and coaching techniques, our unbiased, dialogic approach captures the voices of those that experience the curriculum. Working within an agreed window of time, a suite of activities pulls information from different sources culminating in a report. Using surveys, extracts of spoken word and thematic discoveries, the process can help move a curriculum forward by exposing what people really think.

As a Curriculum Consultation is a bespoke offer, cost very much depends on the focus, size and scale of the consultation. Get in touch to discuss your thinking.